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Galvanized 3 flag holder

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38.38€ (38.38€ + VAT)
Model: TKF-H3
Availability: 3 pcs in stock
Expected delivery: 2025. 02. 24.
Shipping fee: 97.13€
Qty: pcs

Did you check the other flag manufacturer firms website, but they were only made you confused? Are you still looking for the appropriate flag holder? I got some good news for you!

Our webshop offers wide range categorized supply of flag holders. You don't have to seek the product you need for hours. Choose the flag holders type: table flag holder, mountable flag holders for buildings, mountable flag holders for walls, attachable flag holders for cars.

In case you order stanless flag holder, you can forget the maintenance, and you need only 3 screws, a driller and 5 minutes to assemble it. Let your neighbour paint and tinkering his lumber for himself.

pole 26 mm
shore at 3 point with 8mm screw
holdertube's angle 45 °
tubelength 25cm
T Foot 27x19cm
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